Leader. Fallible human. Personal Coach.

Coach Jackie Power Inc. is a full-service coaching firm offering 1:1 coaching, custom workshops, and pilot coaching programs for small businesses.
Jackie is currently working as an Executive Coach at a global technology company and not taking any private clients at this time.
What people are saying...

Coaching is all about you:
Personalized. Introspective. Life-changing.
The value of coaching comes from dedicating time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and experiences while an experienced professional coach serves as your sounding board and pushes you to dig a little deeper. For example, if someone said that their goal was to make $100 000 per year, I would ask them why this figure was important to them. If they said they wanted more money so that they could spend more time with their family, I would ask them what their ideal week would actually look like. Then, together we could discern whether the issue of quality family time actually has to do with money, or whether it has to do with one's attribution of effort and resources. Unpacking one's dilemmas in a safe space where they are challenged to reflect and acknowledge their thought patterns is incredibly empowering and encourages them to keep moving forward, evolving, and self-actualizing.
Interested? Book a free discovery call to find out if coaching could be a good fit for you.

"Success is only meaningful and enjoyable if it feels like your own."